
HimaClear Drops, 0.5 oz

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Product Details

Whether you suffer from dry eyes, itchy eyes or eye infections, ear wax build up, ear pain or ear infections. HimaClear can naturally alleviate the symptoms caused by all of these problems.

Dry Eyes:  Over sixty percent (60%) of the American population wears glasses as a result of congenital, impaired eyesight and old age.  The latter occurs due to the dehydration of the eyeball.  The most common problems, howver, arise as a result of environmental factors.  These include spending significant amounts of time in front of computer monitors or TV screens, forced-air from heaters, air conditioning units or furnaces, and, of course, a deficiency of water in the body, which causes dry eyes.  HimaClear drops, when applied regularly over a long period of time, can alleviate these problems and even reduce impaired eye-sight due to old age.  The salt binds the water, and the eyeball regains its natural form.

Allergy Eyes:  Worldwide, the two most common causes of allergies are grass and pollen.  Over ten percent of the population of industrialized countries suffer from hay fever.  With environmental pollution already overtaxing our body's ability to adapt, we have less immune protection against the increasingly aggressive pollen caused by air pollution.  The first signs of hay fever are sneezing and itching of the nose and eyes, and the excreting of a watery solution by the nose.

Eye Directions: With an acute condition, wash your eyes with HimaClear two to three times a day.  With a chronic condition, wash your eyes with HimaClear twice to three times a day until the problem subsides.  You can put the drops directly into your eyes or with the use of an eye wash cup sold seperately.  Because the solution in HimaClear equals the same concentration of your tear fluids, they will not burn or sting.

Ear Solutions:  Using HimaClear drops in the ears can assist in breaking down ear wax, alleviating ear pain and cleaning the ear canal safely and effectively.  Do not use if you have a perforated ear drum or in children who have ear tubes. 

Ear Directions:  Drop HimaClear drops into the ear canal and allow to sit in the canal for up to 30 minutes before tipping your head to allow the drops to drain.  For ear pain, drop 2-3 drops per ear and let sit for at least 5 minutes before allowing the drops to drain out of the canal.  For ear pain, it is also important to treat the nose and throat as swelling of the nose and throat can lead to the closure of the ear trumpet, the pathway between the nose and the eardrum.  HimaMist can be used to accomplish treating both of these areas.

Information taken from the book Water and Salt:  The Essence of Life.  For educational purposes only.  Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Consult a physician before making any changes to your diet or medications.  These products have not been evaluated by the FDA.

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