Soak Up the Sole!

Himalayan salt is one of the most profound and fundamental health re-discoveries of our time. This crystalline, unrefined salt, comes from the original prime body of sea—The Primal Sea.

Located deep below the earth’s surface, Himalayan salt was created when the primal sea was dried up by the sun and then compressed over millions of years by the pressure of the land masses that formed the top of it.

Taken from the foothills of the Himalayan mountains, Himalayan salt is still hand mined and sun dried. By keeping these practices, the salt maintains its original properties containing all 84 minerals and elements our bodies are made up of.

So what does that mean to us?

Pure Himalayan Crystal Salt contains miraculous healing properties for both our environment and our bodies. The cleansing effects of a 30-minute sole bath is equal to those of a three day fast. The toxins are released into the bath water through osmosis, while the minerals are absorbed through the skin. A sole bath, contrary to a normal bath, allows salt to be stored in the upper layer of the skin and binds water. This is why a sole bath is good for dry skin problems.

How To Prepare a Sole Bath

To prepare a sole (salt) bath you should use natural, untreated Himalayan crystal salt. For an average bathtub, approximately 28-gallon capacity, you would need 2.35 pounds of crystal salt. If your tub has a larger capacity, you would need more salt, 1.28 ounces of salt per gallon of water. (You can also take a salt bath using less salt and still benefit from it’s healing properties, but the effect will be milder and results might take longer to appear.)

Pour the salt into the tub and add enough water to cover it. The salt should dissolve in about 10-15 minutes. (If using a salt stone, simply remove the remainder of the stone and place it on a soap dish for future use.) Finish filling your bathtub with water at approximately 98.6°F, our normal body temperature. This is important, as the body must not sacrifice its own energy to balance out the temperature.

You should soak between 15-30 minutes. Don’t soak longer than 30 minutes or you will start to absorb the toxins back in through the skin. Do not share a sole bath with others as you can absorb their toxins in through your skin. Do not shower off, simply air dry or pat dry with a towel.

Visit to order your bath salts. Available in a variety of sizes, including bulk.