Soak Up the Sole!

Himalayan salt is one of the most profound and fundamental health re-discoveries of our time. This crystalline, unrefined salt, comes from the original prime body of sea—The Primal Sea.

Located deep below the earth’s surface, Himalayan salt was created when the primal sea was dried up by the sun and then compressed over millions of years by the pressure of the land masses that formed the top of it.

Taken from the foothills of the Himalayan mountains, Himalayan salt is still hand mined and sun dried. By keeping these practices, the salt maintains its original properties containing all 84 minerals and elements our bodies are made up of.

So what does that mean to us?

Pure Himalayan Crystal Salt contains miraculous healing properties for both our environment and our bodies. The cleansing effects of a 30-minute sole bath is equal to those of a three day fast. The toxins are released into the bath water through osmosis, while the minerals are absorbed through the skin. A sole bath, contrary to a normal bath, allows salt to be stored in the upper layer of the skin and binds water. This is why a sole bath is good for dry skin problems.

How To Prepare a Sole Bath

To prepare a sole (salt) bath you should use natural, untreated Himalayan crystal salt. For an average bathtub, approximately 28-gallon capacity, you would need 2.35 pounds of crystal salt. If your tub has a larger capacity, you would need more salt, 1.28 ounces of salt per gallon of water. (You can also take a salt bath using less salt and still benefit from it’s healing properties, but the effect will be milder and results might take longer to appear.)

Pour the salt into the tub and add enough water to cover it. The salt should dissolve in about 10-15 minutes. (If using a salt stone, simply remove the remainder of the stone and place it on a soap dish for future use.) Finish filling your bathtub with water at approximately 98.6°F, our normal body temperature. This is important, as the body must not sacrifice its own energy to balance out the temperature.

You should soak between 15-30 minutes. Don’t soak longer than 30 minutes or you will start to absorb the toxins back in through the skin. Do not share a sole bath with others as you can absorb their toxins in through your skin. Do not shower off, simply air dry or pat dry with a towel.

Visit to order your bath salts. Available in a variety of sizes, including bulk.     

Allergy Sufferers…There is Hope!

Almost four years ago, my suffering stopped and the answer was so simple. I put a salt lamp beside my bed and after about a week I noticed I kept forgetting to take my allergy medications. Surprised at the reaction, I decided to research the salt further. Himalayan Crystal salt contains 84 minerals and trace minerals that are essential for our bodies to function properly. I found out that taking sole (a Himalayan salt water solution) each morning would also help with allergies as well as a ton of other heath concerns. I noticed that after taking the sole in the mornings, I could feel an immediate release of pressure in my sinus cavities. I was on cloud nine. I could live in my own home without sneezing constantly and started weaning myself off all the allergy medications I was taking.

Since I tested positive with an extreme allergy to every dust mite, grass and tree known to man, there was really no way for me to escape my suffering once I left my home; or so I thought. It was important to me to be able to watch my kids grow and play outside without getting sick. We developed a nasal spray, HimaMist, which served as our final answer to our allergy suffering. The results were nothing short of miraculous. I am happy to say that I have been drug free for almost four years now and have not gotten sick once. I open the windows in my home every chance I get. I can open the windows in the car, travel all over the world and have taken my family camping several times; of course our tent glows orange from the salt lamp placed in the middle of it. I take a salt lamp, sole and HimaMist with me everywhere I travel.


1. Place salt lamps throughout your house. If you can’t afford to cover the house, start with the bedroom(s). You spend the greatest amount of time in one place while sleeping. Salt lamps naturally cleanse the surrounding indoor air based on properties inherent to this salt. It’s important to breathe good air, free of pollution, germs, and the “floaties” like pollen, dander, and dust. Unfortunately, the most polluted air which we are exposed to is usually indoors. Homes, offices, and businesses both large and small are often neglected in the area of indoor air and environmental quality. Homes are especially important when it comes to air quality because this is where we live, eat and sleep. With all the time we spend breathing in our homes; does it not make logical sense to make sure our air, at the very least, is healthy?

2. Take sole daily. Drink one teaspoon of sole each morning on an empty stomach. In doing so, the stomach and intestines are stimulated within minutes; stimulating your metabolism and digestion. Whether high or low, sole will help regulate blood pressure and blood sugar. It will also harmonize your acid-alkaline balance. Sole flushes out heavy metals such as mercury, lead, arsenic and amalgam. And as mentioned above, the mineral content of the salt also makes it a natural antihistamine which will help alleviate allergy symptoms.

3. Use HimaMist as often as necessary. 100% natural, there are no harmful ingredients. Our philosophy is if we can’t eat it, we shouldn’t be using it in any other way either. Pure Himalayan Crystal Salt contains miraculous healing properties for both our environment and our bodies. The mineral content of the Himalayan Crystal Salt makes it a natural antihistamine. The salt removes the pollen and irritants adhering to your nose mucosa and regenerates the membrane, making it difficult for bacteria and viruses to nest. You may experience some sneezing or a runny nose immediately upon use, as that is the most natural and effective way for your body to remove these allergens. Comprised of only four ingredients, Himalayan Crystal Salt is dissolved in pure, distilled water as the main ingredient in our nasal spray. We feel it has the most natural and beneficial properties.

Another ingredient, Xylitol, is a natural sugar, or sugar alcohol, that can be derived from many sources. (The xylitol used in HimaMist is the cleanest source of xylitol we know of. It is produced in the USA from organic hardwood trees and is guaranteed to be GMO free. The company practices sustainable forestry and quality production practices.) When bacteria enter the body it has to latch onto cells in the host in order to cause infection. By adding xylitol to our Himalayan Crystal Salt nasal spray, it magnifies the ability of the Himalayan Crystal salt and your body to remove the allergens and bacteria efficiently. It also sweetens the solution, making it a more enjoyable experience, especially in smaller children.

Also called liquid gold, our final ingredient, grapefruit seed extract, is a liquid derived from the seeds and pulp of grapefruit. This liquid is reported to be anti-microbial, meaning it fights against bacteria. GSE strengthens the immune system, naturally aids the body in the removal of toxins, and helps neutralize free-radicals. Studies also showed it to be effective in killing over 800 bacterial and viral strains, 100 strains of fungus, and a large number of parasites.  

4. Use HimaClear eye drops. Itchy eyes, red eyes, or dry eyes it doesn’t matter. HimaClear drops help restore balance to your eyes. Dry Eyes: Over sixty percent (60%) of the American population wears glasses as a result of congenital, impaired eyesight and old age. The latter occurs due to the dehydration of the eyeball. The most common problems, however, arise as a result of environmental factors. These include spending significant amounts of time in front of computer monitors or TV screens, forced-air from heaters, air conditioning units or furnaces, and, of course, a deficiency of water in the body, which causes dry eyes. HimaClear drops, when applied regularly over a long period of time, can alleviate these problems and even reduce impaired eye-sight due to old age. The salt binds the water, and the eyeball regains its natural form.

Allergy Eyes: Worldwide, the two most common causes of allergies are grass and pollen. Over ten percent of the population of industrialized countries suffers from hay fever. With environmental pollution already overtaxing our body’s ability to adapt, we have less immune protection against the increasingly aggressive pollen caused by air pollution. The first signs of hay fever are sneezing and itching of the nose and eyes, and the excreting of a watery solution by the nose.   HimaClear helps to alleviate those symptoms and leaves your eyes feeling refreshed. They are like no other eye drop on the market.

Countless people have been helped and reported back that the salt therapies mentioned here have changed their lives. If you suffer from allergies or know someone who does, don’t hesitate. There is an end to the suffering. Don’t let allergies rule your life. Take action today and start living a healthier, happier life. Have questions? Feel free to call or email us at (540) 709-1295 or We’d be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.


For educational purposes only. Not intended to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any disease. Consult a physician before making any changes to your diet or medications. These products have not been evaluated by the FDA.

Eat More Dirt!

Yes you read that right…we were all told as kids to DO NOT EAT DIRT!  Well maybe we should have eaten more?  I’m not talking about the dirt in your back yard, but rather diatomaceous earth or more commonly referred to as DE.  There are over 600 deposits of DE in the United States alone, only four of which the FDA has deemed to meet food grade standards.  DE is actually fossilized aquatic organisms called diatoms that are then ground into a fine powder.  This wonderful dirt is made up of very important minerals that are beneficial to our bodies, but most importantly, it contains high amounts of silica.  Food grade DE contains 84% silica and about 20 other important trace minerals, but most importantly it is chemical free and non-toxic!

Many body functions and proper mineral absorption depends heavily on silica levels in the body.  Since most of us are deficient in this important trace mineral, it is no wonder so many have chronic health concerns.  Silica is responsible for aiding in calcium absorption, as well as depositing important minerals in the bones.  Since DE carries a strong negative charge, it is useful in attracting and absorbing pathogens that are positively-charged like bacteria, viruses, fungi, heavy metals, pesticides, drug residues, parasites, and radiation.

DE can help provide the body with valuable amounts of silica and minerals and has many benefits including:

  • Better nutrient absorption and decrease fatigue
  • Reducing pain and symptoms of osteoporosis
  • Lowering high blood pressure
  • Lowering high cholesterol
  • Help curb appetite and increase metabolism to aid in natural weight loss and increase energy
  • Detox your body from heavy metals (including methyl mercury), aluminum, radiation, parasites, worms, E. coli, bacteria, viruses (including polio        virus), endotoxins, pesticide and drug residues
  • Reduces tissue degeneration and aids repairing vital tissue like lung tissue
  • Helps prevent kidney stones and is useful in fighting urinary tract infections
  • Regulates bowels and is useful in treating both diarrhea and constipation
  • Is extremely beneficial to the lymphatic system and aids in reducing inflammation of the middle ear and swollen lymph nodes
  • Beneficial in building healthy bones, teeth, skin, hair, and nails
  • Can decrease vertigo, tinnitus, insomnia, and headaches
  • Can reduce stress and many other unwanted side effects of menopause
  • Can help prevent Tuberculosis

DE is easy to take and really does not have a taste.  We simply mix it in water, juice, milk or any other drink you may wish to try.  It will not dissolve, so stir it and drink it right away to prevent it settling to the bottom of the cup.  DE can be taken in doses up to 1-2 tablespoons a day, but you should start with a teaspoon and work your way up to the higher doses so you do not have too many side effects from detoxing too quickly.  Children can take smaller doses and even pregnant and nursing women can take DE without worrying about it negatively affecting their baby.  Since some report an increase in energy, it is probably best not to take it right before bedtime.  Keep in mind this is the good kind of energy, not the kind that will have your kids bouncing off the walls, even those with ADHD.  Do not worry about too much DE, any excess that your body does not need will be eliminated through the normal channels.

Do not forget…your pets can greatly benefit from the addition of DE to their daily meals.  It can improve their coat and skin, as well as remove and prevent parasites and worms.  You can also sprinkle it on their coats to help remove and kill fleas.  Recommended dosaging is as follows:

  • Large Cats – 1 teaspoon
  • Kittens – 1/4 teaspoon
  • Dogs 100 lbs + – 1-2 tablespoons
  • Dogs 50 – 100lbs – 1 tablespoon
  • Dogs Under 50 lbs – 1 teaspoon
  • Mini dogs – 1/2 teaspoon

Two cautions should be noted.  First make sure to use only food grade DE.  The DE you put in your pool is NOT food grade!  Secondly, take care to not inhale the powder.  It is a fine powder, and as such, is capable of becoming an irritant to the lungs if inhaled.

Visit to order natural health products!

As required…here’s all the legal stuff we have to say. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Any information and personal testimonies about this content does not reflect any medical claims. For educational purposes only.


5 Simple Steps to Breathe Easier this Allergy & Asthma Season

First, we take sole every morning before we do anything else. Sole is a salt water solution made from the Himalayan salt and it helps us boost the immune system, gain essential minerals, and increase nutrient absorption. It is a natural heavy metal detox, and will help open up the nasal passages and airways to help you breathe better.

Second, we take HimaMist every morning and as needed to assist in the pesky nasal drainage or blockage from allergens and pollutants. The nasal spray is created using the cleanest and most natural ingredients all designed to not only help decongest the nasal cavities, but assist in preventing the allergens from becoming a problem in the first place. It is also helpful for those who are suffering from ear pain or ear infections from fluids that build up behind the ears. 

Third, we placed salt lamps throughout the house. These lamps serve as natural ionizers and natural antihistamines that help pull the pollen, dust, and pollutants that cause allergies and asthma flair ups out of the air. This makes it easier to breathe as well as provide a calming atmosphere.

Fourth, we use a salt inhaler for those who were having difficulties breathing or had congestion in the lungs. The Salt-Air Inhaler is a convenient, drug-free and non-invasive device for enjoying the benefits of salt-air therapy. The use of salt for therapeutic treatment of asthma and other respiratory ailments is nothing new. Halotherapy (Halo=Salt in Greek), and Speleo-therapy (Speleos=Cave), are well known in Europe. Both treatments fall under the category of physical therapy, or drug-free treatment of disease. Salt inhalation was recommended by Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, who applied the age-old method of inhaling the steam from boiling saltwater.

Since the negative effects of air pollution and electro-smog seem to be completely inescapable, it’s only practical that we explore ways to take care of our respiratory system, just as we do with our skin, hair, etc. Major respiratory disorders, giving way to diseases such as asthma, allergies, and bronchitis, are all associated with pollution, especially prevalent in industrial countries. In order to maintain our health in this century, the benefits derived from ancient salt-cave therapies, well known and documented in Eastern and Central Europe, are now harnessed in a unique way to maintain optimum respiratory function. With frequent inhaling of the microscopic salt crystals through the salt inhaler, we clean, relax, and revitalize the entire respiratory system. Inhalation of the Himalayan Crystal Salt vapors will deliver amazing, natural respiratory relief as a natural treatment for asthma, nasal catarrh, sinusitis, breathlessness, bronchitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, night coughing, rhinitis, irritation and coughing caused by pollution and smoking, hay fever and other allergies.

Lastly, we add food grade hydrogen peroxide to our humidifiers to increase the oxygen levels in the air. This is good for killing off bacteria and viruses that are airborne as well as making the air in the home healthier to breathe. It is also an easy way to increase the oxygen that gets to the lungs. Increasing the oxygen in the air is good for many reasons and not just for allergy and asthma sufferers.

Visit to order your Himalayan Salt products today!

As required…here’s all the legal stuff we have to say. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Any information and personal testimonies about this content does not reflect any medical claims. For educational purposes only.